
The first concept of this I made by accident when playing with gradients for my home page and I created a grid of blue colors that ended up looking very atmospheric and really stood out to me. I figured I could use the same method to recreate a bunch of other meteorology as well and I ended up with palettes for day, night, sunrise, sunset, clouds, rain, snow and thunderstorm. By that time I was less impressed with the idea of the homepage being exclusively forecast based so I built in a way to account for images as well. The personal site is a constant paradox because you want to show off what you can do but of course the second you finish you already feel like you know how to do the whole thing better. Nevertheless, I'm proud of where this stands currently and I hope you enjoy poking around and finding all of the little details I've hidden in here. A full accounting is below. It includes a bunch of the tricks I've learned from my designer developer friends the likes of Jacob Waites and Mike Wagz.